Nicolas Venkovic

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Nicolas Venkovic

Home, Research, Teaching


Nicolas Venkovic


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Current position

Postdoctoral Researcher @ Technical University of Munich (since 07/2024)


PhD Applied Mathematics & Scientific Computing @ Université de Bordeaux (09/2023)
MSE Applied Mathematics & Statistics @ Johns Hopkins University (05/2018)
MSE Mechanical Engineering @ Johns Hopkins University (12/2016)

Positions held

Software Developer @ NXP Semiconductors (09/2022 - 04/2024)
Doctoral Researcher @ Cerfacs, Parallel Algorithms (10/2018 - 10/2021)
Research Assistant @ Johns Hopkins University (09/2013 - 09/2018)

Awards and distinctions

Bravo Award, NXP Semiconductors
USNCCM14 Travel Award, US Association of Computational Mechanics
HEMI Travel Grant, Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute
Meyerhoff Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University
CEE Department Fellowship (unclaimed), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Canadian National Scholarship, Canadian National Railway Company
Excellence Award, Université Laval
Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement, NSERC
Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship, NSERC
Inter-University Scholarship, CRIB
Master’s Scholarship, 2nd-best candidature in Province of Quebec, FQRNT
Undergraduate Student Research Award, NSERC
Merit Scholarship (unclaimed), CROUS