Nicolas Venkovic

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Home, Research, Teaching

Skills and interests

Numerical Linear Algebra, Iterative Methods, Computational PDEs/IEs, High Performance Computing, Parallel Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Uncertainty Quantification.


Journal Papers (J): 2, Preprints (P): 3, Conference Paper (C): 1, Reports (R): 2.

[P3] N. Venkovic and K. Gullapalli (2024) Bitmapped formats for multithreaded sparse matrix-vector and matrix-multiple vector products.

[P2] N. Venkovic and L. Graham-Brady (2024) A bottom-up dynamic algorithm for the evaluation of high order derivatives of 2D anisotropic elastic Green’s functions.

[P1] N. Venkovic, P. Mycek, O.P. Le Maître and L. Giraud (2024) Preconditioners based on Voronoi quantizers of random variable coefficients of stochastic elliptic partial differential equations. arXiv preprint, arXiv:2403.07824.

[PhD] N. Venkovic (2023) Preconditioning strategies for stochastic elliptic partial differential equations. PhD thesis, Université de Bordeaux.

[R2] N. Venkovic, P. Mycek, L. Giraud and O.P. Le Maître (2021) Recycling Krylov subspace strategies for sequences of sampled stochastic elliptic equations. RR-9425, Inria Bordeaux-Sud Ouest. hal-03366966.

[R1] N. Venkovic, P. Mycek, L. Giraud and O.P. Le Maître (2020) Comparative study of harmonic and Rayleigh-Ritz procedures with application to deflated conjugate gradients. Cerfacs Technical Report, TR-PA-20-3.

[J2] N. Venkovic, L. Sorelli and F. Martirena (2014) Nanoindentation study of calcium silicate hydrates in concrete produced with effective microorganisms-based bioplasticizer. Cement and Concrete Composites 49, 127-139.

[C1] N. Venkovic, M. Lebeau and J.-M. Konrad (2013) Geostatistical assessment of the hydraulic conductivity of an embankment dam. GeoMontreal 2013 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 8 pp.

[J1] N. Venkovic, L. Sorelli, B. Sudret, T. Yalamas and R. Gagné (2013) Uncertainty propagation of a multiscale poromechanics-hydration model for poroelastic properties of cement paste at early-age. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 32, 5-20.

Conference presentations

[5] N. Venkovic, P. Mycek, L. Giraud and O.P. Le Maître (June 20, 2023) Preconditioners based on Voronoi quantizers of random coefficient fields for the iterative solves of stochastic elliptic partial differential equations. Sparse Days 2023, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France.

[4] N. Venkovic, P. Mycek, L. Giraud and O.P. Le Maître (March 18, 2019) Recycling Krylov subspace strategies to solve stochastic elliptic equations. Uncertainty Quantification and OPtimization (UQOP2019), Sorbonne University, Paris, France.

[3] N. Venkovic and L. Graham-Brady (July 17, 2017) Homogenization based on realization-dependent Hashin-Shtrikman functionals of piecewise polynomial trial polarization fields. 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14), Montreal, QC, Canada.

[2] N. Venkovic and L. Graham-Brady (May 25, 2016) Stochastic simulation of random material microstructures using ellipsoidal growth structures. PMC 2016, ASCE Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA.

[1] N. Venkovic, L. Graham-Brady and K. Teferra (June 18, 2015) Stochastic morphological simulation based on partial statistical description of polycrystals. EMI 2015, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA.


Poster presentations

N. Venkovic, P. Mycek, L. Giraud and O.P. Le Maître (October 8, 2020) Deflated iterative solver for stochastic elliptic PDEs. JDD 2020, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France.

N. Venkovic and L. Graham-Brady (April 4, 2018) A piecewise polynomial approximation scheme based on the Hashin-Shtrikman variational principle of polycrystals. MACH 2018, Annapolis, MD, USA.

N. Venkovic and L. Graham-Brady (July 18, 2017) Homogenization based on realization-dependent Hashin-Shtrikman functionals of piecewise polynomial trial polarization fields. 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14), Montreal, QC, Canada.
